AICAB was created by Pierce County ordinance to "serve in an advisory capacity to the Pierce County Council and the Pierce County Executive", and to "facilitate a structured two-way communication process between the County and Island residents, property owners, and business owners regarding significant issues affecting the community" ...including "land use, environmental regulations, infrastructure, schools, ferry service, and public safety."
Pierce County Ferry System information, including the sailing schedule, is available at:
Pierce County Ferry
Steve Caputo, HMS General Manager
Planning & Public Works PIO
Your ferry-related comments and suggestions are welcome and may be sent via email to the Ferry Committee at
We would also encourage riders to sign up for Pierce County Rider Alerts.
Please help us keep you informed of County developments and AICAB news.
If you wish to receive AICAB news via email, (meeting announcements, general updates, and special notifications of County and/or AICAB developments) please send your email address HERE.
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