On May 18th, 2004 the Anderson Island Citizens’ Advisory Board was established by vote of the Pierce County Council, ordinance no. 2004-25. The Anderson Island Citizens’ Advisory Board (AICAB) serves in an advisory capacity to the Pierce County Council and Pierce County Executive. The purpose of the AICAB is to facilitate a structured two-way communication process between the County and island residents regarding significant issues affecting the community within Pierce County’s jurisdiction. Issues include, but are not limited to, land use, environmental regulations, infrastructure, schools, ferry service, and public safety. The goal of the AICAB is to assure that all views are considered by conveying island viewpoints and opinions, including minority views, on significant issues affecting the island.


The duties of the AICAB members as set forth in Pierce County ordinance No. 2004-25 include:

  1. Provide a forum for island residents, property owners and business owners to communicate concerns;
  2. Articulate issues of concern and forward to the Pierce County Council and/or the Pierce County Executive;
  3. Devise a recommended plan of action for resolution of island concerns;
  4. Update island residents, property owners and business owners regarding issues of concern and Pierce County’s responses;
  5. Invite Pierce County representatives to participate in regular “town hall” type meetings to discuss island concerns; and
  6. Forward recommendations and suggested solutions to the appropriate Pierce County official(s).


AICAB consists of 11 voting members, (appointed by the Pierce County Executive and confirmed by the Pierce County Council), drawn from each of the following island organizations: Anderson Island Association, Anderson Island Community Club, Anderson Island Historical Society, Anderson Island Elementary School Booster Club, Anderson Island Park and Recreation District, Anderson Island Fire and Rescue District, Anderson Island Quality of Life Committee, American Legion Post 265, Anderson Island Crime Task Force, Tanner Electric Cooperative, and Riviera Community Club.


Per County Code (Chapter 2.61) the AICAB is required to hold quarterly meetings beginning in January of each year. These meetings will normally be scheduled for the second Thursday of the first month of each calendar quarter (e.g. January, April, July, October).

Per Pierce County Code, the AICAB may hold monthly meetings when community issues, concerns or interests warrant. These meetings will normally be held on the second Thursday of the month. The Chair may call “special meetings” of the AICAB as warranted or at the request of three or more Board members upon identification of a specific issue warranting attention prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting. Notice of “special meetings” shall consist of email or telephone notification to board members no less than 24 hours prior to the start of the “special meeting”..

The usual venue for all AICAB public meetings will be the Anderson Island Community Clubhouse located at 11319 Yoman Road, Anderson Island, with a scheduled 7:00 p.m. start time.

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